2023-07-03 6:28 AM - edited 2023-07-10 5:19 AM
I am using STM32U575 MCU in my project.
I had enabled trustzone and using secure and non-secure memory.
I am successfully able to download my secure/nonsecure images into MCU using IAR, But when i download using STM32CubeProgrammer.exe or from STM32CubeProgrammerCLI.exe, it fails in verification.
when i debug further i noticed that first nonsecure address never get write/verify successfully.
Note: When i configure the entire memory as secure for testing using OPTIONBYTE_WMSEC, i am able to write my non-secure image as well.
Please guide me, is there any option to write non-secure image using STM32CubeProgrammer with out altering option bytes.
Thanks in Advance !!