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Not able to connect with stm32 cube programmer

Associate II

Dear sir,

I want to connect my stm32 board with stm32 cube programmer. ​but there is some issue,

1.i am able to read the device number , but the connect led does not turn green

2. Then I get messages of check boot configuration and serial port.

3. I tried keeping the boot pin high at the time of reset , so as to take the Mcu in bootloader mode. , but it did not help.

4. Please suggest



Nikhil ​


What STM32?

A board you designed?



Assuming connecting via serial, PC side COM port. What type of serial connection, the STM32 outputs/expects CMOS levels, not RS232.

Make sure the RX/TX for each end of the connection are appropriate, ie the output of one device goes to the input of the other.

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Associate II

Dear Sir,

I am using STM32L476 controller and i am using STM32 Cube programmer to communicate with the board using UARTterminal

1) i power on the device, then keep the BOOT pin high and then release the boot pin , but i do not get the green Connect LED in the Application, the hardware wires are properly connected to each other,

in the STM32 cube programer i get the following details

12:04:55 : Serial Port COM4 is successfully opened.

 12:04:55 : Port configuration: parity = even, baudrate = 115200, data-bit = 8,           stop-bit = 1.0, flow-control = off

 12:04:57 : Timeout error occured while waiting for acknowledgement.

 12:04:57 : Activating device: OK

 12:04:57 : Board    : --

 12:04:57 : Chip ID: 0x415 

 12:04:57 : BootLoader protocol version: 3.1

 12:04:57 : Response received from device: NACK

 12:05:00 : Error: RDP is set to level 1, try using Read UnProtect (-rdu) command in order to remove the Read Out Protection.


 12:05:00 :  Bank     : 0x00

 12:05:00 :  Address    : 0x1fff7800

 12:05:00 :  Size     : 40 Bytes

 12:05:00 : Response received from device: NACK

 12:05:00 : Error: READ command not acknowledged at address: 0x1FFF7800

 12:05:00 : Error: Uploading Option Bytes bank: 0 failed

 12:05:00 : Error: Initializing the Option Bytes failed

 12:05:00 : Disconnected from device.

 12:05:29 : RTS low

 12:05:29 : DTR low

 12:05:29 : Serial Port COM4 is successfully opened.

 12:05:29 : Port configuration: parity = even, baudrate = 115200, data-bit = 8,           stop-bit = 1.0, flow-control = off

 12:05:31 : Timeout error occured while waiting for acknowledgement.

 12:05:31 : Timeout error occured while waiting for acknowledgement.

 12:05:31 : Error: Activating device: KO. Please, verify the boot mode configuration and check the serial port configuration. Reset your device then try again... 

i am able to program the board using another discovery board.

Please suggest

