2021-08-29 10:06 AM
I'm running Ubuntu 21.04 and have set the env variable to force use of X11:
The utility runs and can discover connected ST-Link devices, but when I click connect button the tool crashes in the connectStLink function:
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f2873aa90a3, pid=64882, tid=0x00007f2862a73640
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (8.0_265-b01) (build 1.8.0_265-b01)
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (25.265-b01 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# C [libCubeProgrammer_API.so+0x500a3] connectStLink+0x293
Solved! Go to Solution.
2022-03-02 2:37 AM
Hello @SFuch.1 ,all,
Thanks for your feedbacks.
I confirm there is issue with the new Version of Ubuntu 21.10 , it is already raised internally and fixed.
The fix will be available in the next CubeProgrammer version 2.10.0 scheduled soon.
Internal ticket number: 115515 (PS: This is an internal tracking number and is not accessible or usable by customers).
2021-09-16 10:13 AM
...exactly the same problem since today (previously worked perfectly), on ubuntu 18.04
2021-09-27 8:46 PM
I have the same problem with Ubuntu 21.04 and ST Link V2
2021-10-02 12:50 AM
Same here, I ended up downgrading to 2.7.0 for it to work
2021-10-02 11:09 AM
Finally, I found a way to fix the crash:
1) You have to upgrade the firmware of STLink V2 or V3 device. For some strange reason, this only work with a Windows PC. I installed St Cube Programmer in Linux and Mac and it never worked when I tried to do the upgrade. After the upgrade, St Cubre Programmer (I'm using the v2.8) started to find the device without crash in Linux and Mac.
2) Verify the boot switch of the board that you are using. In my case, I'm working with an Octavo System board based on STM32MP157. Octavo System documentation is not very good and finally I found the answer in the STM32MP157 user manual. To enable the St Link in this device you have to set BOOT2 (pin G6) to high. With this I connected the St Link and it started to work.
2021-10-08 9:54 AM
Crash on linux 20.04, STM32CubeProgrammer 2.8.0, B-L072Z-LRWAN2, updated to V2J37M27 from stm32cubeide 1.6.1 linux.
2021-10-13 8:22 AM
Had the same problem. Using linux mint 19 and STLINK-V3SET. Downgraded to 2.7.0 and that works.
2021-10-17 4:14 AM
Hi.. guys
Anyone fine the solution of this problem ???
I'm getting the same issue with Ubuntu 20.04
Even downgrade version 2.7.0 is not working for me
2021-10-17 10:11 AM
I guess using openocd is the solution :D
2021-11-22 1:25 PM
I'm trying to do a firmware update on a device with STLink-V2 using Ubuntu (21.10, not having Windows), and I
and the STM32CubeProgrammer still crashes as described here.
I wonder, why STMicroelectronics is not able to deliver a working software, not even a a complete software as a package where you don't need to homebrew the missing parts in. What's so difficult to at least pack all the required parts of the software into a package?
Interestingly, I didn't even find a legally sufficient imprint on the web page or an official name, just a hint in the privacy statement that it is an N.V. in the Netherlands acting through an office in Switzerland.
What sort of business is this?
Will it ever be possible to reliably update devices with STM32 microcontrollers?
Is STMicroelektronics even listening here? There's just "community members" present.
In the other thread an STM employee named @Peter BENSCH appeared months ago, but that didn't seem to improve anything at all.
What sort of company is this?