2019-10-22 12:44 AM
I'm not sure this problem could be addressed to the cube-programmer topic.
I have a STM32H743I-eval and modified from the default two QSPI mode to the one twin QSPI.
The external load doesn't work any longer after that whatever options I select.
Changes are as below.
1) original design of eval board was 2 MT25QL512A... on both U6 and U28.
2) The external loader "MT25TL01G_STM32H743I-EVAL" worked for the original design.
3) changed to one MT25TL256HB on the U6 and blank on the U28.
4) related R,C and SB were changed accordingly referencing the comment in the schematic.
5) Any options of external loader can't flash the changed design with the alert of "Erasing error".
Please let me know what to do for the solution.
Best regards,
2019-10-22 1:30 AM
You'd need a suitable dual bank external loader for a pair of 25QL128 devices.
You could start by creating your own BSP code to support the chip within your own apps.
2019-10-22 8:41 AM
Both clocks, and both chip-selects will be needed for the H device, watch that you don't have conflicts on PG6 and PC11 if shorted.
2019-10-22 7:20 PM
Thank you for your advices
The STM32 BSP actually issues only one CS of PG6 and one CLK of the PB2.
The CS & CLK are combined to those of other chip area by making shorted each other.
It doesn't seem to be any possibility of conflicts.
I realized both 1 MT25TLxxx and 2 MT25QL are logically identical so it look no need to modifying external loader or BSP codes.
Could you please advise how to start debugging in this situation?
Thanks a lot.
2019-10-23 4:00 AM
I don't think any of the existing loaders are going to support this configuration. You're going to have to write your own BSP code and loader. Start with the BSP and build a framework to test the commands and output data to a terminal. Start with the N25Q128 code provided in the CubeH7 or F4/F7 BSP Components, and reconfigure those to support dual bank mode.
Validate program, read and erase functionality. For your application you will need to get the memory mapped/xip working.