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Error in initializing ST-LINK device. No device found on target.


Hi there, I am hoping this forum will be able to help me:

This is my first time using the STM32 Nucleo-64 board (STM32F303RET6) as well as the external ST-LINK/V2 programmer. I just wrote a simple program that turns on the LED but I am having trouble connecting to the board. I am almost positive I have correctly wired the two together (using GND, VDD (3.3V), SWDIO, and SWCLK). I have reinstalled the correct drivers and updated the software. I've tried a few different ways of connecting using recommendations from other forums. These are the errors I've been getting:

From stm32cubeIDE:


From stm32cubeProgrammer:


From stm32 st-link utility:


I've tried different frequencies and modes but I still get the same errors. 

Weirdly, when I try to connect to the target through the utility application, the st-link lights up green and the stm32 board starts flashing (even though it says it can't connect). Is this normal?

I just need to know how to successfully connect to the board so I can flash my program. Any advice would be appreciated!




The nucleo board has an onboard st-link. You don't need an external programmer for it. Just need to connect CN1 with a USB cable to your PC.

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Connecting what to what? The Nucleo is hard wired.

Check the jumpers for SWDIO / SWCLK connect to the local target.

Then perhaps ponder why the voltage isn't reading 3 - 3.3V


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