2023-07-23 11:00 PM
I was trying to modify the option bytes (changing the bit nSWBOOT0) on my STM32G491VC with STLinkV2 (latest firmware).
After writing was succesfull, I was no longer able to flash my chip or read the flash content. it tunred out that somehow the read-out protection and write protection got enabled. The level was still showing 0xAA for the read out protection.
This has cost me quit a lot of time to disable again, since I did not plan on using the protective features at all. This happend twice to me already.
Please fix this beahviour.
2023-08-01 2:51 AM
Hello @MichelS ,
Thanks for your feedback,
I couldn't reproduce the issue from my end, could you please provide a detailed scenario that led to this issue?
2023-08-03 8:26 AM
Hi MichelS,
I am facing a similar issue. Could you post the solution as to how you got over it ?
2023-08-11 1:56 AM
You can try to set the protection level from 0xAA to 0xBB and also set the option RDP in PCROP section to erase PCROP when RDP is decreased. Apally these changes first. Then decrease the read out level to 0xAA again.