2017-03-11 10:02 AM
Sometimes, STM32CubeMX just stuck at generating code, and i am not able to do anything. Just end the process from Task Manager. What does happen?
P.S. Jawaw.exe in the Task Manager not load my CPU at all.#stm32cubemx2017-04-03 8:52 AM
2018-04-09 12:10 PM
Hi,@Nesrine M_O
I have also this issue. The cubeMX hangs in the phase of ''generating user code''
I am using STM32CubeMX(4.25.0) as plug-in under Eclipse Oxygen.3(4.7.3) with Windows 10
I tried at least 5 time, I got no success.
This is my first experience using STM32CubeMX, I have no comparison with previous version.
This is the info for my project
Chip: STM32F103C8
RCC, HSE: Crystal
USB: Enabled