2024-05-03 12:55 AM
i am using stm32h735g-dk board,trying to interface servo motor with it by using timer5 channel1.please give me step by step explination to set prescalar and arr value
2024-05-03 1:27 AM
What is the "servo motor" ?
show pic.
What signal it needs ? (frequ., pulse timing ...)
2024-05-03 5:37 AM
motor name is MG90.for every 1sec im trying to run it so how to configure clock for this
sysclock delay also not working.
2024-05-03 6:43 AM - edited 2024-05-03 6:46 AM
Ok, this :
So set TIM5 ch1 : i have clock -> timers 200MHz, so div 199 -> 1us timer tick ;
ccr 1500 -> mid position ; set to 1000...2000 for full left/right position.
then in main:
HAL_TIM_PWM_Start(&htim5, TIM_CHANNEL_1);