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STM32H5 MCU Package Update Changes Peripheral Pinouts (No Release Notes Found)

Associate II


Hello everyone,

I recently encountered an issue after updating the STM32H5 MCU Package from v1.0.1 to v1.3.0. Some peripheral pin assignments have changed, and previously available pin options are no longer configurable.

I started my project in 2024 using STM32H5 Series and developed my hardware based on MCU Package v1.0.1. Recently, I needed a simple peripheral modification and accidentally migrated my IOC file to v1.3.0. After doing so, I noticed that some pin assignments had changed.

For example, on STM32H563VGTx, in RMII Ethernet mode, the ETH_TXD1 pin was originally assigned to PB13 in v1.0.1, but in v1.3.0, this option is no longer available (it has been removed from the possible pin mappings).

I couldn’t find any release notes explaining why these changes were made. If this is a critical update, I would like to understand the reason behind it so I can decide whether I need to update my PCB design accordingly.

Has anyone else encountered this issue, or does anyone have insights into why these pinout changes were introduced? Any official documentation or clarification would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!



Ghofrane GSOURI
ST Employee

Hello @zeitgeist 

First let me thank you for posting.

This modification was made based on the DS14258 Rev 5


The ETH_RMII_ TXD1 is mapped to PB15 and not PB13



Hi @Ghofrane GSOURI 

Thank you for identifying when the change occurred.

I understand that my question might be a bit specific, but I would really like to understand why the pin remapping was done.

Since my PCB is working as expected, I’m curious about the reason behind this change. Was there an issue with Ethernet, or did conflicts with other peripherals require ETH to be remapped elsewhere?

Additionally, I had to disable SPI1 and PWR pins to re-enable Ethernet. This makes me wonder if there is a potential configuration issue on my end—one that I haven’t encountered yet.

If there’s any insight into the rationale behind this change, I’d appreciate it.


Associate II

Got this from a field application engineer from ST,

It is mentioned on device Errata sheet at section 2.2.24, Says its a documentation issue, rather than a product limitation. But it is still a mystery why it works with old pin mapping. If i purchase new party MCU's  maybe it will not work with my current PCB.

Puzzle remains unsolved. 


