2019-05-23 05:23 AM
Whenever I generate a project using STM32CUBEMX, ir keeps generating (and updating upon re-genration) __HAL_AFIO_REMAP_SWJ_DISABLE(); into the HAL_MspInit function.
This line does not allow debugging and forces to perform a series of actions to allow debugging again.
Right now, I keep commenting the line out upon each regeneration. Is there a way to simply prevent it from generating?
2019-05-23 05:25 AM
I believe it is a check box configuration item, dig in the forum, it's been mentioned several times.
2019-05-23 09:54 AM
My question is a duplicate of:
in STM32MXCubeMX:
Pinout & Configuration -> System Core -> SYS -> Debug: drop-down menu. Choose what you use (Serial Wire in my case)