2023-12-24 5:53 AM
Hello community,
I use STM32CubeMX 6.10.0 in Ubuntu 23.10.
Each time I start a session, I noticed that about 65 MBytes of data are used in ~/.stm32cubemx/.jxbrowser-7.35.1/Profile/xxxx which are never deleted when I exit.
A new profile subfolder is created each time, whereas I am the only user of the tool on my system, what does that mean ??
After a few weeks working, the total amount of wasted space can reach a few GBytes !
Note that I get the same issue with STM32CubeIDE 1.14.0, see my message here https://community.st.com/t5/stm32cubeide-mcus/stm32cubeide-creates-a-lot-of-garbage-in-user-home-directory/m-p/622710#M23007
The only difference is that with STM32CubeMX it occurs when using the "Manage Embedded Software Package" menu, whereas with STM32CubeIDE it occurs always...
2023-12-24 9:59 AM - edited 2023-12-24 10:07 AM
i just looked on my (MX linux) system, about 5 years in (almost daily) use, the jxbrowser has about 420MB .
But STM32Cube directory has about 21GB , STM32CubeIDE about 4GB , /opt/st about 7GB ...
- so jxbrowser seem not the big point to talk about, at least on my system. ;)
But i am still on IDE 1.13.1 , so maybe STM has a new "improvements" in IDE 1.14.0 . :eyes:
2024-01-04 11:08 PM
Hello AScha,
it seems you are luckier than me on this ! I use these Cube tools for a few months only and already got much more garbage than you. Maybe despite your daily usage you are launching less sessions than me. Since I have got many crashes with these tools, I had to kill and restart many times, and each time the garbage size increases.
To my knowledge the use of JxBrowser is quite recent, one or two years I think, not more...
You are right about the total size of STM32Cube repository being significant, but the big difference is that Cube tools allow you to cleanup this one from older pack versions that are no more necessary, it is a feature and it works well.
The issue I am talking about is a bug because the tool never deletes it, you have to do it manually unless you don't ever notice.
Please someone @st can confirm, answer my first question and take over this problem ?
2024-01-04 11:16 PM
Hello support / moderation team,
you have dropped my other message posted on STM32CubeIDE tool at https://community.st.com/t5/stm32cubeide-mcus/stm32cubeide-creates-a-lot-of-garbage-in-user-home-directory/m-p/622710#M23007
saying it is a duplicate.
It is NOT a duplicate, it is a different scenario leading to similar issue on two different tools. MX is embedded in IDE, right ? But I would expect your experts to investigate a little more about the root cause being the same or not.
Thanks to recover my previous message, I cannot even open it anymore (acces denied).
2024-01-18 11:19 PM
Still no answer / acknowledgement / workaround / internal ticket from ST in one month !!??