2020-04-20 4:51 PM
I am working with a STM32G474RE and I want to use HRTIM Timer F as PWM with DMA transfer.I used STM32CubeMX Ver.5.6.1 and CubeG4 FW V1.2.0 for generate simplest init. code, which would work only for HRTIM function for HRTIM Timer F.
here's my setup and problem.
In the Timer F tab:
Could not set any DMA Request Sources. This form always returns to 0 automatically.
In the Timer E tab:
An error has occurred, although there were no DMA channel assigned for Timer E. (Timer A ~ D has no error if those were enabled)
Is this STM32CubeMX bug??
Thank you.
2020-04-21 7:03 AM
I raised internally your reported case to take in consideration .