2023-07-10 8:47 AM
We are pleased to announce you that the official release of STM32CubeMX V6.9.0 is available for download here
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2023-07-12 5:53 AM
The most funny part is looking at the list of known issues. For example:
When selecting microcontrollers in the STM32F4 series and STM32F7 series:
• IPv6 activation is not yet fully supported by the EWARM and MDK-ARM toolchains,
causing compilation errors with MDK-ARM and compilation warnings with EWARM.
Oh, yes - that is definitely the only known CubeMX related issue for those series... :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: ST's and HAL/Cube team's in particular pretending that there are no tens and hundreds of other issues, which are reported all around and many have been reported years ago, is just pathetic.
2023-07-18 4:10 AM - edited 2023-07-18 5:55 AM
i updated my cubemx 6.8 project to 6.9
i generate a MDK-ARM Keil Project. After the update my project uvprojx file contains only all the cubemx-generated files.
All my own headers/sources are missing and deleted. This has nothing to do with "keep user code when re-generating". These parts of the code are untouched & working fine.
Just the project file is total f*** up :(
EDIT: ok, this problem has already been reported in https://community.st.com/t5/stm32cubemx-mcu/serious-bug-in-cubemx-6-9-0/td-p/574741
11:00 AM
- last edited on
2:51 AM
Added user authentication functionality
Turns out it means one cannot download software packages inside the CubeMX without logging in anymore. Oh, yes - pretend it's a feature you kindly added, not a useless nuisance! :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
Instead of removing the completely unnecessary login requirement for freely available software on st.com, they added it in the software. I'll just remind that exactly the same software is available on GitHub.
Post edited to adhere community guidelines.
2023-08-31 4:08 PM
I'm trying to find instructions on the "Added the support for processing before and after code generation" feature.
The manual has not been updated with anything.
Is there any description of what the scripting language is?
2023-10-27 2:43 AM
i could not agree more. this is the biggest bull**bleep** ever!!! why? why? why? only to anoy the customers?