2018-09-24 2:51 AM
The latest version of the STM32CubeMX 4.27.0 deletes empty folders in my project structure during project generation.
This is a nice feature if it deletes only previously generated folders that are not used any longer, but it also deletes folders that I created and some other tools need those folders!
Especially this is a problem with externals from SVN. If I e.g. add modules in a subfolder of Src via the "externals" feature of SVN this creates an ".svn" folder inside which has also empty folders that are needed by SVN!
Please could this feature be limited to generated folders only!?
2018-09-24 4:55 AM
Hello @Markus Schwarzl ,
I raised your issue internally to CubeMx team for check .
Kind Regards,
2018-09-26 5:56 AM
Hi @Markus Schwarzl ,
Thanks for your feedback,
I confirm its a bug and it will be fixed in next CubeMX release,
Please feel free to contact me for further details,
Best regards,
2018-09-26 9:26 AM
Thanks for the fast response!
Best regards,