2019-01-17 5:39 AM
We are designing a system where stm32f7xx will communicate with smart battery via SMBUS protocol, The code is as follows
if (HAL_SMBUS_Init(&hsmbus1) != HAL_OK){
if (HAL_SMBUS_Init(&hsmbus1) != HAL_OK) {
if (HAL_SMBUS_IsDeviceReady(&hsmbus1, (uint16_t)DEV_ADDRESS<<1, 2, 2) != HAL_OK){
uint8_t buffertx[2] = {0,0};
uint8_t bufferrx[10] = {0x0};
buffertx[0] = 0x21;
ret = HAL_SMBUS_Master_Transmit_IT(&hsmbus1, (uint16_t)DEV_ADDRESS << 1, &buffertx[0], 1, SMBUS_OTHER_FRAME_NO_PEC);
if (ret != HAL_OK) {
uint32_t test;
test = HAL_SMBUS_GetState(&hsmbus1);
}while(test != HAL_SMBUS_STATE_READY);
ret = HAL_SMBUS_Master_Receive_IT(&hsmbus1,(uint16_t)DEV_ADDRESS<<1, &bufferrx[1], 7, SMBUS_LAST_FRAME_NO_PEC);
if(ret != HAL_OK){
uint32_t retval;
retval = HAL_SMBUS_GetState(&hsmbus1);
}while(retval != HAL_SMBUS_STATE_READY);
we observed that HAL_SMBUS_Master_Receive_IT receives data correctly, but after reception
the HAL_SMBUS_GetState is always busy(i.e 0x34).
what could be the issue?
also would like to know that the transfer options we are using are correct?
2019-02-13 7:37 AM
I have the exact same problem. No matter what I do the HAL is always busy after a master transmit
2020-02-29 8:57 PM
could somebody let me know how to read a slave through smbus . i am working on STM32F0xx + BQ79350-R1 .