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Roadmap for a linux version of STM32CubeMX?

Associate II
Posted on January 07, 2015 at 19:34

Is there any planed linux version of the STM32CubeMX program?

The clock generation module is not working under wine so this is not yet a solution. Are you ST guys working to port the STMCube on other platforms?

Justyn B
Associate II
Posted on January 12, 2015 at 21:22

STM32CubeMX.exe already runs natively on Linux using Java 8, so the basis for a Linux release is already there.

The project code export doesn't work (only system files are exported), perhaps since the IDEs it exports for are Window-only.

Surely all that is needed is to create a simple Makefile export option, then the tool will be cross platform with very little effort. Export to other IDEs can be enabled in the Windows version only.

Any word from ST people?

Posted on January 12, 2015 at 21:45

Surely all that is needed is to create a simple Makefile export option, then the tool will be cross platform with very little effort. Export to other IDEs can be enabled in the Windows version only.



Any word from ST people?

The need for, and simplicity of, a GNU/GCC + MAKE option has been made to them at several levels, at several times by several people. That and fixing the slash/back-slash issues.

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Uwe Bonnes
Principal III
Posted on January 14, 2015 at 19:00

Another annoyance are filenames with spaces...

Senior III
Posted on July 01, 2015 at 11:29

Dear user,

STM32CubeMX is not yet released for Linux. However, we'll take into considerations your remarks/raised issues.

Thank you.