2017-08-27 1:21 AM
I use a discovery board, STM32F303VCT6 and the CubeMX / System Workbench for the coding (in C).
If I generate a project via CubeMX, I can open this project and build it in System Workbench - no problems.
In CubeMX I have installed library: Firmware Package for Family STM32F3 - version 1.9.0 which downloads a zipped folder in the CubeMX repository path.
This zipped folder contains examples and demonstrations which I wish to test. Following the Getting started with STMCubeF3, I try to open the GPIO_EXTI example project.
I set the workspace using the Switch Workspace >> Other command in System Workbench.
From the Getting started - guide, you should browse to the SW4STM32 directory and open the project using Import >> Existing Project into Workspace. Whatever project I try to open and build, I get Fatal Error: stm32f3xx_hal.h: No such file or directory. I follow the instructions from the Getting started - guide (point by point, exactly),... I try to copy the stm32f3xx_hal.h file to the workspace, but still I get this problem.
Please guide me as I am in the early stages of understanding the STM32 toolchain and I am not a CS expert. In particular I am not so familiar with CS jargon.
#cubemx-repository-example-projects2017-08-27 3:16 AM
The problem was that I copied the STM32F3-Discovery - folder to a different location, to avoid messing up the original files. In doing this, I missed the drivers located two levels above... If you have similar problem, be sure to copy the folder-structure from the STM32Cube_FW_F3_V1.9.0 - folder and not as shown in the Getting started with STMCube F3, figure 4 - where the figure shows the folder-structure two levels to deep...