2014-08-09 3:05 PM
Maybe a bug on cubemx for F3
#cubemx-stm32-nmi-headler2014-08-10 6:09 AM
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2014-08-10 7:41 AM
Ok sorry.
I tryed to create a project for STM32F302R8 with SPI and interrupt with CubeMX. Everything appeared to be good but when I tryed to use the function HAL_SPI_Transmit_IT the firmware went to NMI_Handler error. After some test I understood that in the project there wasn't the startup_stm32f302x8.s file. I put this file manually and all work fine. I think that this is an error from CubeMX because when i generate a code for STM32F4 this file is automatically included.Hope to help somebody..Paolo Vasta2014-10-06 7:25 AM
Hello, we can not reproduce your issue. Can you indicate which version of CubeMX you are using and which toolchain (EWARM, MDK-ARM, or TrueStudio).
Thank you