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Is updating within STM32CubeMX still supported? Every time I try to update, it fails to see any possible updates on server. If I try to check the connection, it fails and returns with the error message "Problem during server connexion". How can I update?


STM32CubeIDE can update fine, but STM32CubeMX cannot.

No, it is not a typo in the title.


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Buggy, or the method/mechanics changed, and isn't backward compatible.

AV impacting one software vs other.

Generally I'd expect you can download the full new version directly from the web site, and the installer should be able to figure if it's an update vs a clean install. The packages have the ability to pull from a locally visible file.

Mine still regularly comes up and says it's been 1000's or 10000's of days since it last checked, and these bugs have been in there for years, and literally occur at every instantiation of the application.

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