2022-01-26 8:01 AM
My goal is to reserve a pin over CubeMX to remind me later to use that pin as an optional GPIO for example.
I want some kind of marker that when I come back on the CubeMX configuration it catches my attention. I would prefer a color marker.
I don't want to use the regular GPIO input assignation (shown in green on CubeMX) because it is lost among my 100 pins already configured (and also shown in green on CubeMX).
Some clues of achieving my goal (but that appears not feasible at the moment on CubeMX v6.4.0):
• Assign <Single mapped signals> on a simple GPIO output over CubeMX (pin becomes yellow);
• Apply a label on an unused pin (pin stays grey but with option label on it);
• Change pin color of a regular GPIO output.
One other method without using the color marker could be to use a label marker tag like: <[OPTIONAL] My_Pin_Label>. But this is not a suitable solution for my post.
2022-01-26 8:12 AM
For this you can use the function Pin Locking: right click the pin and choose it.
Does it help?
2022-01-26 8:55 AM
It helps a half I would say; Because the pin is reserved but if someone else takes a look at my cubemx configuration (or even me after few weeks), he has no idea about the reason why this pin is locked (because it seems I cannot edit a label on that locked pin).
Maybe it could become a nice-to-have feature to upgrade CubeMX for future?
2022-07-14 4:00 AM
Hi Peter,
we are trying to achieve the a similar thing: Put a user label to an unused pin. For some Pins we need to realize a deferred initialization. Locking works so that no one else can assign the pin to something, but a user label would make much more sense. Otherwise we have to make a costom define which is not visible from CubeIDE's pinout view...
2022-07-14 4:13 AM
Unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment. So you can only:
You can only lock a pin if no function is assigned. Unfortunately, an already set user label will be deleted again if you set the pin to Reset_State to remove the function. Maybe this will be changed in future releases.