2018-12-29 10:01 PM
2018-12-29 10:07 PM
Well, strangely, you might have to modify the spi register setting in the user code. Now the challenge is to place this patch so that it stays after cubemx code generation AND at the right init sequence.
2019-06-18 4:00 PM
Zombie thread, but for future reference:
The issue is when selecting the frame format in CubeMX SPI Configuration, Motorola is selected, and the TI option is greyed out (un-selectable). This was circumvented by going back to the pinout, and activating "Hardware NSS Signal" under the SPI heading and assigning a pin. I can only assume the TI format requires the SCS be coupled to the peripheral for some kind of time-sensitive feature (synchronization?) instead of simply using a GPIO and your own flavor of control.