2017-08-21 6:17 AM
I have setup the USB Host using the STM32CubeMx and I can transmit data in bulk and it has a state machine. The USB is attached to the host which is a CDC USB Modem. The CDC_ProcessReception(phost) does not receive data through the pipe and it gets into the CDC_RECEIVE_DATA_WAIT state and gets suck without any data received. The USBH_CDC.c file has the transmit and receive function which uses a state machine and
CDC_ProcessTransmission(phost);CDC_ProcessReception(phost); break;The ProcessTransmission function works for me but not the ProcessReception(phost)? How can I get to receive data?
#usb #usb-cdc #usb-modem #stm32cubemx #usb-host #usb-receive2017-08-21 1:49 PM
I think the problem is that the USB is connected using CDC but has 6 virtual com ports for the USB Modem. How can I select the specific virtual COM port using the USB Host and CDC library the comes with SMT32CubeMx ?