2021-07-05 8:27 PM
I can transmit data to my computer when I used HS CDC in FW_H7_V1.8.0 of CubeMX6.0.1. Yesterday, I updated CubeMX6.0.1 into CubeMX6.2.1 and also used FW_H7_V1.8.0, but the HS CDC showed STMicroelectronics Virtual COM Port error code "10".So, I set up heap size in 0x1000,0x2000,0x4000, it can't solve error code "10".
Then I used FW_H7_V1.9.0, the HS CDC show unkown device.
What should I do?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-07-09 2:29 AM
Hi @Imen DAHMEN ,
I study datasheet again, so I have resolved this problem,.
First, the default USB CLOCK is 48MHz for Full Speed.
But I use High Speed USB, the USB CLOCK need to be 60MHz for USB3300 phy chip.
Second, I use High Speed CDC on the M4 core,and it appears hardfault loop.
The reason why it happens hardfault loop is only M7 core can access UID memory 0x1FF1E800UL, so I temporarily modify the address.
Now, it can work on CubeMX6.2.1.
2021-07-06 8:08 AM
Hello @JLi.14n Huang and welcome to the Community :)
Can you please try the proposal in this discussion.
Then, please keep me informed about your update.
2021-07-06 8:11 PM
Hello @Imen DAHMEN ,
The discussion doesn't solve my problem.
I only know that CubeMX6.0.1 and CubeMX6.2.1 differ in setting up USB clock.
I can't set up USB clock ,and the USB clock is 480MHz.But the HS CDC can work in CubeMX6.0.1.
I can manually set up USB clock ,and the USB clock is 48MHz.But the HS CDC can't work in CubeMX6.2.1.
Please tell me what's the difference between CubeMX6.0.1 and CubeMX6.2.1, and how to set up CubeMX6.2.1.
I think that the update should be better than before.Apperently the update gave me more problems.
If every time I need to change the base code,when I generate new code in last update of CubeMX. I think that update loses its purpose, because I have to spend much time on debugging.
2021-07-09 1:18 AM
Hi @JLi.14n Huang ,
I raised this issue to CubeMX team for review.
Hi @Khouloud ZEMMELI , @Khouloud OTHMAN ,
Can you please answer to @JLi.14n Huang regarding the difference of USB clock setting between CubeMX6.0.1 and CubeMX6.2.1.
2021-07-09 2:29 AM
Hi @Imen DAHMEN ,
I study datasheet again, so I have resolved this problem,.
First, the default USB CLOCK is 48MHz for Full Speed.
But I use High Speed USB, the USB CLOCK need to be 60MHz for USB3300 phy chip.
Second, I use High Speed CDC on the M4 core,and it appears hardfault loop.
The reason why it happens hardfault loop is only M7 core can access UID memory 0x1FF1E800UL, so I temporarily modify the address.
Now, it can work on CubeMX6.2.1.