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How to install STM32CubeMX on Ubuntu?

Senior II

I ran "", it was prompt:

Check exe path on linux
FullExe path1 is: /usr/bin/SetupSTM32CubeMX-6.8.0
Exe path is: /usr/bin
Search java from relative path ----
Checking java in /usr/bin/./jre/bin/java
Checking java in /usr/bin/../jre/bin/java
Checking java in /usr/bin/../../jre/bin/java
Checking java in /usr/bin/../../../jre/bin/java
Please install Java JRE 11.0.10 or a more recent version

since I have installed java, and the address was:


how could I told the Setup*.sh where java is.


My open jdk is installed at /usr/bin. Everything in the jre directory was installed by the tool.

I was able to work around this by installing the IDE, which had not problem, and using the MX embedded in it. I'm still interested in knowing how to fix this.

> My open jdk is installed at /usr/bin

Them the "jre" part breaks the check. Try to create a symlink /usr/bin/jre pointing to /usr ?