2020-06-06 12:12 AM
I have use stm32CubeMx for code generate.
In a new version I cannot find the generate code button.
old version has the generate code button .
but the new one is none
2020-06-08 10:17 AM
Hello @Community member
Which CubeMX version are you using ?
And could you please uninstall this one then download the 5.6.1 version from site ? "https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/products/development-tools/software-development-tools/stm32-software-development-tools/stm32-configurators-and-code-generators/stm32cubemx.html "
2020-06-09 5:07 AM
ver5.6.1 can not use the stm32WL, I used the STM32CubeMX 6.99.1-D37 version ,
2020-06-09 5:10 AM
I intsall unintsall several times, and read the note again again:
Installing and running STM32CubeMX 6.99.1-D37
Supported operating systems and architectures
Software requirementsThe Java Run Time Environment 1.8_45 64-bit must be installed.
Limited validation is done with Javaô 11.
Javaô 7, Javaô 9 and Javaô 10 are not supported.
After Oracle announcement related to ëEnd of Public Updates for Oracle JDK 8í, you can access to OpenJDK via https://adoptopenjdk.net/.Installing STM32CubeMX standalone versionTo install STM32CubeMX, follow the steps below:
2020-06-18 4:48 AM
As disccued with @Community member , the official CubeMX version will be available to download w28 from site (which supports the WL)
Best Regards,
2020-07-21 8:01 AM
@Community member WL will not be supported in 6.0.0, it will be for 6.1.0.
Best Regards,