2018-02-05 6:41 AM
I noticed a problem while trying to generate code with CubeMX, regarding injected ADC.
The problem appears as follow:
- Make a project with Cube on a Nucleo-F413ZH,
- Use default pin attribution,
- set PC0, 1, 2 to analog,
- configure 3 Conversions in ADC_Injected_ConversionMode,
- rank 1 -> channel 10, rank 2 -> channel 11, rank 3 -> channel 12,
- use Low Layer for ADC,
- generate code.
/**Configure Injected Channel */ ADC_INJ_InitStruct.TriggerSource = LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_SOFTWARE; ADC_INJ_InitStruct.SequencerLength = LL_ADC_INJ_SEQ_SCAN_ENABLE_3RANKS; ADC_INJ_InitStruct.SequencerDiscont = LL_ADC_INJ_SEQ_DISCONT_DISABLE; ADC_INJ_InitStruct.TrigAuto = LL_ADC_INJ_TRIG_INDEPENDENT; LL_ADC_INJ_Init(ADC1, &ADC_INJ_InitStruct); LL_ADC_INJ_SetSequencerRanks(ADC1, LL_ADC_INJ_RANK_1, LL_ADC_CHANNEL_10); LL_ADC_SetChannelSamplingTime(ADC1, LL_ADC_CHANNEL_10, LL_ADC_SAMPLINGTIME_3CYCLES); LL_ADC_INJ_SetOffset(ADC1, LL_ADC_INJ_RANK_1, 0); LL_ADC_DisableIT_JEOS(ADC1); /**Configure Injected Channel */ LL_ADC_INJ_Init(ADC1, &ADC_INJ_InitStruct); LL_ADC_INJ_SetSequencerRanks(ADC1, LL_ADC_INJ_RANK_1, LL_ADC_CHANNEL_11); LL_ADC_SetChannelSamplingTime(ADC1, LL_ADC_CHANNEL_11, LL_ADC_SAMPLINGTIME_3CYCLES); LL_ADC_INJ_SetOffset(ADC1, LL_ADC_INJ_RANK_1, 0); LL_ADC_DisableIT_JEOS(ADC1); /**Configure Injected Channel */ LL_ADC_INJ_Init(ADC1, &ADC_INJ_InitStruct); LL_ADC_INJ_SetSequencerRanks(ADC1, LL_ADC_INJ_RANK_1, LL_ADC_CHANNEL_12); LL_ADC_SetChannelSamplingTime(ADC1, LL_ADC_CHANNEL_12, LL_ADC_SAMPLINGTIME_3CYCLES); LL_ADC_INJ_SetOffset(ADC1, LL_ADC_INJ_RANK_1, 0);We see here that all channels are affected to rank 1.
- STM32Cube V1.0, version 4.24.0,
- STM32Cube FW_F4 V1.19.0
#cubemx-4.24 #automatic-code-generation #low-layer2018-04-25 1:23 AM
Still not working on STM32Cube FW_F4 V1.21.0 and CubeMx 4.25.0.
2018-04-30 5:06 AM
I confirm ,issue still exist in 4.0 and itwill be resolved next release.