2020-09-29 4:33 AM
Hello guys ,
I am using the stm32f072 microcontroller as a usb peripheral device to use it as Serial Device .
I have programmed it successfully and it works fine almost time but sometime it crashes the usb interface of my system. I have tried it on other devices also but find same result . It works well but suddenly it crashes all usb and we have to restart our PC.
SO i want to know that why this is happened as i am new to this .
If needed i will provide you the code and the schematic of design also.
Please help soon.
2020-09-29 9:52 AM
Is there is anybody who had worked on USBVirtual port or have knowledge about that. Please help ?
2020-09-29 2:13 PM
> it crashes the usb interface of my system.
> suddenly it crashes all usb
What exactly crashes? What do you see? Is this a ready board such as Nucleo or your own brew?
-- pa
2020-09-30 3:48 AM
I have designed my board . And By crashing my mean is that it crashes usb hub of my system . No new device is recognized by the computer , only power comes for example when i connect my mouse it is powered as LED glows but pc not detect it and so mouse not working .
Then i have to restart my pc .
Sometimes while sending data it crashes in btwn data transaction and sometim if i leave it connected and not sending any data for some time and then try to send data , it crashes .
I have take reference from Stm discovery board to make usb design .