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STM32CubeIDE shows login dialogs on startup.

Associate II

Hello, I have just installed v1.9.0 on a new laptop and whenever I start the program I get login dialogs for multiple sites, (for ST, ST SW, Eclipse, etc.) and when I use my normal login credentials it rejects them. Also when I attempt a software update of the IDE the login dialogs show up again. Is there a way to fix this so that the dialogs aren't coming up? Thanks...

ST Employee

STM32CubeIDE should not ask you for any login upon launching, could you take a screenshot of where you get transferred to?

Upon a first launch on a new installation of STM32CubeIDE three things could be asked, none of which require a login:

  • File association
  • User data permission
  • Release note of the current version (usually opened in the systems default web browser)
Associate II

Marcus, thanks for getting back to me. I changed the Windows/Preferences/General/Network Connections selection from Native to Direct and it no longer gives the dialog(s) when starting the IDE up. But, When I attempt to check for updates, or install software. I get them and errors in the workspace log. (screenshots attached). It also fails when I try to go to the Eclipse Marketplace. (Again errors included in the screenshot.) I am wondering if the Company firewall is preventing the IDE from going to the websites for the updates/marketplace? This seemed to work on older revisions of the IDE. Any help is appreciated.

If you are on a company network (like I am) then you will most likely need to set the Active Provider from Direct to Manual and then enter a host, port and user authentication.

This is only needed if you want to access online resources via STM32CubeIDE, such as using the check for updates or using the Eclipse Marketplace.

Functions such as downloading the latest FW or version of STM32CubeIDE can still be done manually through accessing from any web browser. However, doing it through STM32CubeIDE will require the connection to be set up according to your companies requirements.

Associate II

Markus, Just for giggles I un-installed STM32CubeIDE v1.9.0 and went back a version to v1.8.0 it allowed me to go to Eclipse Marketplace and also the software update with no issues. (No login, no authentication failure etc...) I am on my company network as I was when installing v1.9.0. Software updates reported there was an update. (v1.9.0) so I did the update. Once I updated it this way, ( I have done fresh installs from a downloaded v1.9.0 file before.) It now does the same thing, login required, fails authentication. This is just for you knowledge.......

Associate II

Markus, looking under Window>Preferences>General>Network Connections and there is a difference in the entries between v1.8.0 and v1.9.0.(See Pic.) First would this difference cause v1.9.0 to not be able to connect to software update sites? If so, is there a way to add an entry to the Proxy Entries window to duplicate what is in v1.8.0? I tried to export the preferences from v1.8.0 and import them into v1.9.0 but that did not seem to work. (on restart the entry was not saved.) Any info would be appreciated.

Hmm, I tried to do the same thing from my end but I don't get the same result. I'm not sure if anything was changed due to me previously having set-up my corporate login but this is how it looks for me in both versions:


Associate II

Markus, I am assuming in the pic you sent me Host/Port/password

are my Corporate login details?

Yes, that's correct.

Associate II

Thanks, Markus, do you happen to know where STM32CubeIDE stores the information related to the Network Connections/Proxy Entries/Proxy Bypass? I was thinking a config.ini file or something like that.
