2019-11-01 2:53 AM
Where can i set the ROM adress like KEIL in stm32cubeide?like follow picture!
2019-11-01 6:23 AM
Not using the tool. Look at the Linker Script
2019-11-02 7:12 PM
Sorry,what do you mean the Linker Script,is Instructions?
2019-11-03 7:37 AM
*.ld file(s) is(are) linker script file(s). All memeory mappings are defined into
2019-11-03 9:49 AM
Linker scripts describe the memory placement and usage expectations. KEIL generates a Scatter File from the GUI settings. Try searching on the "linker script" term if unfamiliar
2019-11-15 1:57 AM
Yse ,I find *.ld file(s),and if i can change the start ROM adress directly?