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uninstall.exe is malware

Associate III

I ran uninstall.exe from the STM32CubeIDE installation folder through VirusTotal. Results here:

Some scanners detect it as malware. I originally installed V1.12.0, but recently upgraded to V1.13.0. The uninstall.exe file does not seem to have changed since the original installation.


virustotal was a good site about 15 years ago, it's pretty irrelevant today, as are most virus scanners. False positives drive up their business with little to no downside.

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Associate III

Sophos and Kaspersky are reputable anti-virus companies, and the Kaspersky stand-alone scanner picks it up too. ClamWim also flagged it.

Ok, but are you a malware expert, have you analyzed it yourself? What's it doing? Erasing files, modifying / deleting registry content, oh wait..

When I built Windows tools, things I built flagged too, generally anything I hardened against modification, tampering or inspection, especially with compression or crypto, that had low entropy.

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I think you're missing the point. A number of virus applications mark this uninstaller as a trojan. One doesn't have to be an expert to know this and to be wary of an uninstaller from ST.