2023-12-20 8:35 AM
Hello together,
I developed a PCB with the STM32L010RBT6 on it and I would like to debug with printf. I connected the SWD Pins (3.3V, SWCLK, SWDIO, GND, NRST) to my Nucleo F446RE kit for SWD debugging. So far so good I can now debug in the CubeIDE but I can't read any of my printf statements. Is there any chance to printf debug on that Cortex-M0?
I tried to connect to the serial communication with the CubeIDE included "SWV ITM Data Console" and with my terminal but never read something out of it.
I would appreciate any help or tips. Thank you!
2023-12-20 8:59 AM
The Cortex-M0(+) doesn't support the SWV/SWO model.
Use a UART. Perhaps use a buffer to hold text you can view in stopped instance of the debugger?
Keil had an Event Recording Method https://developer.arm.com/documentation/kan321/latest/
2023-12-21 3:04 AM - edited 2023-12-21 3:28 AM
2023-12-21 3:57 AM
Thank you for your fast reply. I tried the Event Recorder in Keil's uVision but it's not working for me, so my last choice would be using an UART->USB adapter and then I can view it in the Keil or CubeIDE.
Is there any chance to make it work without UART->USB adapter?
2024-01-17 3:39 AM
@Claus_CE wrote:I tried the Event Recorder in Keil's uVision but it's not working for me
Why not? What went wrong with it?