2024-06-16 11:59 PM
I am try to develop a bootloader for STM32F103C8T6 controller.
my bootloader memory is 16 KB address range 0x8000000 to 0x8004000.
my application range is 45 KB 0x800C000 to 0x8010000.
jump statement I am using below mentioned one,
void(*app_reset_handler)(void) = (void*)(*((volatile uint32_t*)(0x8004C00+4U)));
flash one by one both bootloader and application hex files it could be work using STlink software.
but i am try to flash with my sotware it could be not work.
but I have checked all address hex data same. for both files.
ST link software address detail
my software Address detail,
same way I can check properly for all address .If I can flash With ST link software means its should work but in my software means its should not work. So kindly help for this issue. i am struggle on past 1 week for this issue.
I can follow below link for developing,