2019-06-12 7:38 AM
This is on a Windows platform. After some crashes (that wiped my code!), I removed and then re-installed STM32CubeIDE. After re-installing, builds don't work. Reason is there is no make executable in the IDEs search path. It is buried in the application directory, but no path to it. Quick and Dirty solution of copying the .exe to a place in the IDEs path didn't solve the issue, just got a different error.
I did delete the /ST directory too after un-installing, but still no luck getting make to work.
Potentially related, this was part of a big "get everything updated" push that included updating to latest Atollic tools (9.3.0), STM32CubeMX (5.2.1) and latest Java too.
Not very interesting, but here is the error message:
08:31:17 **** Clean-only build of configuration Debug for project CAN_Input ****
make clean
Cannot run program "make": Launching failed
Error: Program "make" not found in PATH
PATH=[C:/ST/STM32CubeIDE_1.0.0/STM32CubeIDE/jre/bin/server;C:/ST/STM32CubeIDE_1.0.0/STM32CubeIDE/jre/bin;C:/ST/STM32CubeIDE_1.0.0/STM32CubeIDE/jre/lib/amd64;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files (x86)\NTP\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Users\willc\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;;C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.0.0\STM32CubeIDE;]
08:31:18 Build Failed. 1 errors, 0 warnings. (took 188ms)
The make.exe file in STs directory is in C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.0.0\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.make.win32_1.0.0.201904231117\tools\bin\
The only thing I haven't tried from looking at posts here is deleting the STM32CubeIDE entry in the registry.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-06-17 7:50 AM
I did an un-install again, looked and the suggested registry entry to delete was not there. I re-installed and still got the same error (no surprize). After a few more experiments I was seeing some other errors that pointed to maybe something weird in the project configuration files (probably in .metadata). The fix that got things working was to completely delete the projects home directory with all the projects in it and re-start from scratch. That seems to have fixed it. My best guess is there is some path info there that got messed up and re-installing STM32CubeIDE was not fixing/replacing it.
2019-06-17 3:55 AM
Did you try after deleting the STM32CubeIDE entry in the registry and if so, did anything change?
2019-06-17 7:50 AM
I did an un-install again, looked and the suggested registry entry to delete was not there. I re-installed and still got the same error (no surprize). After a few more experiments I was seeing some other errors that pointed to maybe something weird in the project configuration files (probably in .metadata). The fix that got things working was to completely delete the projects home directory with all the projects in it and re-start from scratch. That seems to have fixed it. My best guess is there is some path info there that got messed up and re-installing STM32CubeIDE was not fixing/replacing it.
2019-07-04 8:19 AM
Markus (and all):
Ugh, while making a change in the CubeMX part of the STM32CubeIDE program of my project and doing the code regeneration, I got an error saying my library was not up to date. Only choice was to accept. Afterwards my entire project directory except for the .ioc file had been erased!
STM32CubeIDE is clearly not stable enough, or robust against internal problems. This is the second time some internal error with the CubeMX part of the IDE has just blown away my entire project directory. I do backups, but usually only weekly, so lost several days of work. This was version 1.0.1 and I've not been doing anything unusual about the install.
I restored the project files, but even with restored files the project still didn't show up in its entirety. This points again to something corrupted in the top level .metadata files.
With regret (and frustration) I'm going back to the now-obsolete final version of the Atollic tools and may try STM32CubeIDE after it gets to Rev 1.2 or so and seeing something in the notes about robustness against crashes. Now just need to figure out how to backport my changes under STM32CubeIDE to Atollic.
2019-09-13 9:28 AM
I've encountered the same exact issue. Any word if there's a work-around for this?
2019-09-13 10:01 AM
The release notes for the current version of STM32CubeIDE say they fixed this issue. I take that as a good sign, but still haven't gone back to it yet, still a bit nervous about trusting it. Hopefully you are still on the older 1.0.0 version and an upgrade to the latest fixes it. If you are still seeing the issue on 1.0.2, then maybe they haven't fixed it as robustly as they thought.
Back up often!!!
2019-09-13 10:11 AM
Ah, yes, I am seeing this exact issue in 1.0.2. I've tried to be slightly clever, as in unclicking 'Use latest firmware' so I don't get that error during the attempt to generate code. Yet, the same outcome results - deletion of most of the project files (which is really quite a disastrous error case; at the very least, the DCT should generate a temporary archive of the project before starting, so at least it would be left over after the disaster).
Next trick - create a new project, painstakingly re-enter the CubeMX config using the IOC file as the source. Let's see the outcome of that.
Thank you!
2019-09-13 1:24 PM
Despite 'About STM32CubeIDE' telling me that I was running 1.0.2, I decided to uninstall/reinstall 1.0.2 and... this problem seems to have gone way.
2019-09-13 1:33 PM
Dana: Bad news on having the issue with 1.0.2. Since that initial set of problems I've been using the last TrueStudio release (9.3.0) and staying reasonably up to date on STM32CubeMX. That seems pretty stable and will hopefully suffice until a few more stability revisions to STM32CubeIDE.
As a matter of course now (even with Truestudio/STM32CubeMX), I do a quick backup of my project before firing up CubeMX. I've made it quick and easy which helps. I don't do it every time, but certainly if I've done more than a few hours of coding since the last backup, I'll do another before firing up CubeMX.
One thing I did notice is that for some reason firing up the debugger in TrueStudio goes a LOT faster than it did with STM32CbeIDE. I'm an impatient type, so consider that a win even if going backwards. I am sure they will address the issues, but at least for a bit, happy to fall a bit behind while those issues get ironed out. GOOD LUCK!
2019-09-13 10:47 PM
You may have seen this already, but I actually don't have the issue now with 1.0.2; 'About' seemed to indicate I had 1.0.2 but perhaps I didn't. A re-installation resolved it. So there's that.