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STM32CubeIDE Mass Erase rather than Sector Erase

Associate II

I have a STM32H723 on a custom board that I'm having a lot of trouble programming. Every time I try to flash it, the erasing of flash sectors fails. I can, however, perform a full chip erase. All the option bytes are configured as they should be, but for whatever reason, erasing sector by sector causes the chip to reset and the flash to fail. 

I'm looking to set up my debugger to perform a full chip erase and then skip the sector erase step of the flash process. By calling "monitor flash mass_erase", I'm able to do the full CE, but I can't find the right command to skip the default erase step.


I'd be more concerned with why sector erasing is failing. Power supply okay? Sufficient bulk capacitance? VCAPs present?

You can always create a custom command to program it exactly how you want via an external tools.

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