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I have a setup on a dual core STM32H755 device with each core measuring two ADC channels with shared pins at different sample rates. The M7 core measures ADC1 Ch15 and Ch5 at 1MHz@14bit, with a sampling time of 1.5cycles (20MHz ADC clock prescaled by...
I have a STM32H723 on a custom board that I'm having a lot of trouble programming. Every time I try to flash it, the erasing of flash sectors fails. I can, however, perform a full chip erase. All the option bytes are configured as they should be, but...
I am working with a STM32H723 micro, capturing 2048 samples of data on ADC3. The ADC is triggered by the overflow of TIM1 and transfers samples successfully the first time HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc3, (uint32_t*)adc_buf, ADC_BUF_LEN); is called.In the H...