2021-03-23 7:00 PM
I try to run GPIO\GPIO_IOToggle_TrustZone in the STM32CubeIDE, but fail.
Follow the readme steps without modifying any code or configuration。
After build, Select the xxxxx_S project and select "Debug ,select startup , add NS project
Fail at download:
Error: Data mismatch found at address 0x0C000000 (byte = 0xFF instead of 0x00)
The others example without TZ run OK.
This is my first time to use this platform. Is there anything else that needs to be configured, or something wrong with the operation,
Console output:
Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0:
Erasing internal memory sectors [0 4]
Erasing memory corresponding to segment 1:
Erasing internal memory sector 124
Download in Progress:
File download complete
Time elapsed during download operation: 00:00:00.328
Verifying ...
Error: Data mismatch found at address 0x0C000000 (byte = 0xFF instead of 0x00)
Error: Download verification failed
Encountered Error when opening D:\software\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.6.0\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.cubeprogrammer.win32_1.6.0.202101291314\tools\bin\STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe
Error in STM32CubeProgrammer
Debugger connection lost.
Shutting down...
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-03-23 7:59 PM
Find the cause of the problem, need to do some basic configuration, after config, it works ok
To match the default partitioning, the STM32L5xx Series devices must have the following user option bytes set:
TZEN=1 (TrustZone-enabled device)
DBANK=1 (Dual bank Flash configuration)
SECWM1_PSTRT=0x0 SECWM1_PEND=0x7F (all 128 pages of Flash Bank1 set as secure)
SECWM2_PSTRT=0x1 SECWM2_PEND=0x0 (no page of Flash Bank2 set as secure, hence Bank2 is non-secure)
2021-03-23 7:59 PM
Find the cause of the problem, need to do some basic configuration, after config, it works ok
To match the default partitioning, the STM32L5xx Series devices must have the following user option bytes set:
TZEN=1 (TrustZone-enabled device)
DBANK=1 (Dual bank Flash configuration)
SECWM1_PSTRT=0x0 SECWM1_PEND=0x7F (all 128 pages of Flash Bank1 set as secure)
SECWM2_PSTRT=0x1 SECWM2_PEND=0x0 (no page of Flash Bank2 set as secure, hence Bank2 is non-secure)