2020-01-30 1:03 AM
STM32CubeIDE Version 1.2.1 in the editor I Can't Type Tilda ~ .
I can type it in here ~
I can type it in notpead, Word, all other places but not in CubeIDE editor.
I'm using Turkish Q standart keyboard.
2020-01-30 1:11 AM
On my keyboard, that character is bound to an AltGr key combination.
Check the CubeIDE/Eclipse key assignments (usually Window->Preferences->General-Keys), perhaps it is by default associated with some editor function.
2020-01-30 1:18 AM
Mine is bounded to AltGr too. I have checked the bindings but nothing assigned with altgr key.
I'm copying Tilda from somewhere else and pasting in editor and it's really annoying.
2020-01-30 2:06 AM
Eclipse has multiples layers of settings, with some kind of inheritance.
There are e.g. generic editor settings, and almost identical C/C++ specific ones. Might be worth to go through them.
I do not like Eclipse.
Perhaps this is a sequence character on your keyboard ?
For me, the '^' character is. I need to hit the '^' key first, and then another key to have it appear. In this case, because it is used for accent chars like â, ê, ô, etc.
2020-01-31 7:36 AM
Perhaps this is a sequence character on your keyboard ?
For me, the '^' character is. I need to hit the '^' key first, and then another key to have it appear. In this case, because it is used for accent chars like â, ê, ô, etc.
For Tilda ~ i need press another key. Like "~w" it is okay it Works here, Works every editor but not in cubeIDE editor.
There are e.g. generic editor settings, and almost identical C/C++ specific ones. Might be worth to go through them
Sadly I couldn't have find any settings.