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STM32CubeIDE DEBUG - save SFR values (state snapshot)

Associate II

Dear All,

I would like to make a snapshot of CPU registers (SFRs) when a program is paused.

Ideally the snapshot would be a textfile.

Does anyone know whether this is possible in CubeIDE or via some other tool?

Thank you


Note that reading out registers in the SFR window has the same effect as reading them in code.
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that sounds awesome please add

mattias norlander
ST Employee

Please note that the SFR-view was improved in CubeIDE 1.11.0 to support some new use cases:

  • Possibility to create tabs with subsets of peripherals and registers
  • Dump of all peripheral registers to a file
  • Possibility to read the registers via live channel

I think especially second bullet in this list is quite cool in combination with Eclipse "Compare with... > each other" tool, or any other external diff utility.