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STM32CubeIDE cannot start my app for STM32F103RC.

Associate II

hi, all.


I made my app with STM32CubeMX for STM32F103RC(of custom board).

I compiled with STM32CubeIDE(ver. 1.15.1), but cannot start in IDE. (refer to the atached file.)

But after power off/on board, my app works fine.

My app is simple, has just one LED and blinks it.



In same environment, an app for SMT32F407 start well in IDE.


thanks for your attentions.

ST Employee

Dear @yangbh ,

the address shown starting from 0x1FFFxxxx is located in our internal bootloader , please check that both pins BOOT0 & 1 are tied to ground to be sure debugger jump to the right address. Or may be something to check inside debugger to jump to Reset addresss only and not to main(). Doing a hard reset seems working fine indeed so booting from user flash . I would say it is only debugger settings to tune .

hope it helps ,


thank you for your reply.


I don't think BOOT0/1 is the cause, because a hard reset works fine.


I'm using a ST-LINK/V2 for debugger.

Is there some points to tune with IDE & ST-LINK/V2 ?

If the reset pin of MCU is not working, is that related to my problem?

(There is a reset button connecting to the reset pin of MCU, but when I press the button MCU is halted.)


thanks for your attentions.

Hi  @yangbh ,

Yes, it can be reset pin , as debugger thru SWD ( serial wire debug) and NRST pin will take the control of the device - check STLink/V2 wiring  and thus ensuring to start from Reset_Handler at 0x04 address. Let us know if you can rework it and behavior will change.



thank you!

I'll try it.