2020-06-14 7:26 AM
Hello my STM32Cube IDE is showing me the build error " program -E not found in the Path".
But in the Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros.. window, there is no Provider tab.
I have tried to uninstall and installed again but the result is the same.
So could someone help me to solve this issue?
2020-06-14 12:27 PM
"CH4-EX1" is not a standard configuration. Switch to Debug or Release which are generated by default with STM32CubeMX. How did you create your project?
2020-06-15 11:50 PM
Looking at your snapshot your custom build onfiguration so called CH4-EX1 is a GNU ARM Eclipse one .... Such is not STM32CubeIDE compatible.
Takes care Eclipse is hosting easily various plugins contributions but do not means all is compatible with others .... Relying on same Eclipse instance you can do java, c, python dev. but you will never compile java code with c compiler .... I'm kidding here but high level same idea behind ....