2020-06-09 3:23 AM
Hi Guys,
I have installed STM32CubeIDE 1.3.0 on my PC which is connected to office network through LAN. Even though STM32CubeIDE is allowed to communicate through windows firewall I'm getting network error. One more thing is STM32CubeIDE 1.3.0 is working fine in my development PC which is not connected to the office LAN network.Please go through the attached screenshots to view Network connections and Firewall settings. Can anyone suggest me how to make it work?
With Regards
2020-06-11 1:35 PM
Is "Help > Eclipse Market place" native Eclipse feature able to fetch material from outside world ?
If no ... please revisit your network settings. If yes let's move to next step then which is to check connection to www.st.com server. Rely on "Windows > Preferences > STM32Cube > Firmware Updater" preference page and have a try pushing "Check Connection" button .. you will have a verdict here ...
2020-06-21 10:45 PM
Thanks for the reply.
"Help > Eclipse Market place" native Eclipse feature is not able to fetch material from outside world.
I feel some settings in the Firewall or McAfee anti-virus is blocking STM32CubeIDE from connecting to the internet.
I checked with my Networking Team and they are also not able to solve the problem. My IT Team told me that they have allowed the STM32CubeIDE to communicate through windows firewall but still it is not working. What should be the network setting ? Do you have any idea? Please let me know.
With Regards
Sunil K S
2020-06-22 1:26 AM
Are you relying on a proxy ?
My company does. If so you have within network connection preference page to select "Manual" mode as active provider. Then fulfill HTTP & HTTPS stuff.
Takes care never fulfill SOCKS keep it as set by default.
For sure until not able to access to Eclipse Market Place no chance to get access to ST remote material.
2020-06-23 8:55 PM
Yes I'm relying on proxy server. "Automatically detect" proxy server setting is selected.
I tried with "manual setting" for proxy server but I don't know which IP address and port number should be entered in the entry fields for STM32CubeIDE.
Please refer the attached image for more information.
With Regards
Sunil K S
2020-06-23 11:03 PM
Ok. Unfortunately cannot help you more here. You have to know your proxy setup to allow Eclipse to connect outside. If proxy usage no choice you have to fulfill such "Manual" mode info.
Not expert at all about but maybe such can help : https://superuser.com/questions/346372/how-do-i-know-what-proxy-server-im-using
2020-06-23 11:42 PM
Thanks a lot for the help and support.
With Regards
Sunil K S
2020-08-14 1:00 AM
I encountered same issue then i just reset my windows now working fine.
2022-11-09 4:46 AM
im having somewhat same issue.
stm32cubeide is working fine in my office laptop, but not in my personal laptop.
Is "Help > Eclipse Market place" native Eclipse feature able to fetch material from outside world ?.. yes. it is able to fetch from outside world.
Rely on "Windows > Preferences > STM32Cube > Firmware Updater" preference page and have a try pushing "Check Connection" button .. here check connection fails.
STM32CubeIDE is also allowed to communicate through windows firewall.
can u please help me sorting this out...