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STM32CubeIDE 1.13.2: cyclomatic complexity reports all C++ as dead code


I tried to analyze our mixed C/C++ STM32F4xx project, but all functions in *.cpp sources including "main()" are not shown by default, until I deactivated the "hide dead code" checkbox.


could you please confirm the bug in new Cyclomatic Complexity tool?

Hiding unlinked code would be useful indeed, if all actually called C++ functions would be reported correctly.

ST Employee

Hello @0x0BADCODE 

First let me thank you for posting and apologize for the late reply.

I made a test and I'm not able to reproduce the described behavior.

Could you provide some code snip which help the see the issue?


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Hello Semer,

I just noticed today that the Cyclomatic Complexity window is empty - until I actually connect the target with Debugger (which is a bit surprising as I would expect the CC is a kind of static analysis tool, so having ELF image on host PC should be sufficient to track unused code, etc.).

So back to your question: if you cannot reproduce the behavior - it is not about a specific "code snip" but the debug configuration. In my case I use Segger JLink Plus or also Segger OB reflashed on Nucleo board. Moreover, with  debugger and Breakpoint set on RESET vector, the CC window is initially empty until the C main() is reached, then the C functions appear in the CC list but none of the C++... Hope this helps.

Hello @0x0BADCODE 

"I just noticed today that the Cyclomatic Complexity window is empty - until I actually connect the target with Debugger (which is a bit surprising as I would expect the CC is a kind of static analysis tool, so having ELF image on host PC should be sufficient to track unused code, etc.)."

> You are right only the elf file is needed for the feature to function and it's unusual to see the described behavior.

However, about the original question, after further test I see what you are talking about. Initially I misunderstood the question. I thought you talk about function declared with extern "C"  not the class methods.
I fact I imported a CPP project I found that methods declared in a class will not be shown unless the "Hide dead code" is ticked.
I will escalade this question internally and go back to you with an answer ASAP.


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Associate II

Same here.  I am on Cube 1.15.0 and none of my class methods in any of my *.cc files show until I deactivate that "Hide dead code" option.  At least that workaround exists.