2021-03-12 12:47 PM
I am trying to get the SWV Data and Time Line trace working during and debug session and it just wont show the variable name or value, any idea please.
The program is a simply blinking LED where i read a port value LEDPinState = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin( GPIOC , GPIO_PIN_13 );
Test the state of LEDPinState and set the opposite state, followed by a delay(100).
The program runs fine in the micro and during debug the value of LEDPinState can be seen toggling in Live Expressions View.
But no way can i seem to configure the system to display LEDPinState in SWV Data and Time Line trace's.
I must have watched half a dozen how to videos and tried just about chk box, variable, clk speed etc , including https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eumKLXNlM0U but ZERO results.
I am using a STLINKV3MINI in GDB server mode, SWD interface.
STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.6.0 Build: 9614_20210223_1703 (UTC) OS:
Windows 10, v.10.0, 86_64 / win32 Java version:
Many thanks in advance imk
2021-10-08 4:32 AM
Did you ever solve this issue? The most common root-causes to this problem is setting the wrong Core clock value or re-initializing the SWO pin to have some other alternative function.