2020-03-09 11:32 PM
Hi everyone,
how can i change the stm32Cube to Dark mode (black background) without change every single colour?
If i change only background -> some letters will unvisible because it's black yet. So i have to change (and find out a optimum ;) many seeting.
Is there an option how i can change the complet coloursetting to "dark"?
Thanks a lot or your help,
2020-03-10 6:29 AM
There are several products that start with STM32Cube. STM32CubeIDE you can change the theme easily. The others probably not.
2020-03-10 10:46 PM
yes, it means STM32CubeIDE.
now i've found it:
Window-> Preferences -> Appearence (not subtitles like color and fonts !) : Theme
Thank you
2020-03-10 11:46 PM
You might be interested in:
It's a total visual overhaul for eclipse and is honestly really nice.