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Associate II

Good morning everyone.

I have purchased a steval astra 1b and tried to use it with cubeide; but the problem is that many pins are selected by default on gpio, this thing last time I opened the project was not happening.

I tried with bard or chatgpt but with poor results.

I hope someone can help me.

P.S: I wrote this text in English because it is the international language, but I am Italian and I am not very good with English (so I would like to know if there is also a section in Italian)Screenshot 2023-10-30 alle 19.16.56.png

this is a project i just created with the steval astra 1 b board (i didn't change any parameters)

ST Employee

Welcome @Davide32, to the community!

I assume you answered No to the question "Initialize all peripherals with their default Mode" the last time you created a project. If you answer the question with Yes, the image essentially looks like in your screenshot.

Please note that the STEVAL-ASTRA1B is an evaluation board where STM32WB5MMG already has external connections (to sensors etc) that need to be taken into account. Only if you create your own board with STM32WB5MMG, you have complete freedom (within the necessary connections).

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ST Employee

I forgot to add: there is only this community in English, because with thousands of different languages worldwide, it is impossible to combine and manage them all in one forum. You can believe me: this is not an easy task with only English as the language.

And one more thing: Bard and ChatGPT are, to put it simply, (currently) out to leave the user with as positive an image as possible, which is why one should be extremely (!) sceptical about their statements. Under no circumstances do they replace the detailed study of the literature, i.e. in this case the data sheets, reference manuals and application notes. Afterwards you will agree with me that AI-whatever delivers grammatically clean texts, but very often they contain hair-raising nonsense and freely invented statements. Let's wait and see, maybe that will change soon.

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Tank you Peter.

I was finally able to fix it; it was necessary to go on pinout ad click the voice "Clear pinout" (Like this).

Screenshot 2023-11-01 alle 12.45.04.png

But unfortunately there is another problem; i can't take the serial number of my board: when i go on the debug shell and i click on ST-LINK simply does not return nothing.

I'm not think this is because i'm using an usb-c cable or the fact that i'm using a mac.

Can you help me?

ST Employee

On the first point: Clear Pinout does indeed remove all pin assignments, but its purpose is questionable in a finished STEVAL-ASTRA1B - the connections are still there, after all.

On the second point: you should open a new thread for this, because it doesn't have much in common with the original question. I'd still like to check it out, but I don't have a STEVAL-ASTRA1B on my desk at the moment.

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Tanks you Peter.

I'm going now to open another thread.

As for the Clear Pinout function, it has visibly resolved my problem (hopefully it has really resolved it).