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Segger J-Link STM32H755 CM4 debugging in STM32CubeIDE

Associate II

I am trying to debug the STM32H755 within CUBEIDE but the current segger J-link drivers say that core is not supported. The segger website lists it as supported and it works without issues in their debuggers.

I am wondering if there is a workaround or way to get it working with the CM4 core?
CM7 works as expected.


Pavel A.
Evangelist III

IIRC when you run the updater of J-Flash, it automatically finds J-Link modules (DLLs) installed in other software and updates these. Try it. Chances are it will update your CubeIDE.


Hi Pavel, how do I run the J-Flash updater? just running the Stm32cubeide J-Flash program doesn't seem to start any update.

Is the updater in cubeide menus? or is it a program or script in the external tools jlink folder?


@Ckerl.2 Download and run latest J-Link installer from Segger

(this is a bit confusing: the J-Link installer installs a large set of various programs and utilities. Some of them are interesting and useful, others less so).




Tried this, same behavior when debugging CM4 core, says device not supported and could not verify device.
Then goes to immediate hard fault.


Tried on windows, windows has a JLINKDLLupdater executable.
Wondering how I would get to work with linux, can I just copy over st files with latest segger.