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Release build configuration in STM32CubeIDE


Hi Team,

We are using STM32CubeIDE version 1.15.1 for MCU development in the project. We are trying to add Release build configuration in the project.

I have created a .elf file for the release build configuration and want to append 4 bytes of CRC to the end of the .elf file for security purposes.

To achieve this, I first appended 4 bytes of CRC to the HEX file, then created a .bin file. Afterward, I converted the .bin file to .elf file and tried to flash the newly generated .elf onto the MCU board. However, the board is not booting up.

I used the following command to convert the .bin to .elf:

arm-none-eabi-objcopy --input-target=binary --output-target=elf32-little output_CRC.bin output_CRC_Release.elf

Can you please provide the steps to properly add the CRC to elf file and ensure the MCU boots correctly?

Is there any way to flash direct bin from STM32CubeIDE?



Shabana Mulani.