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["Search" not working]

Associate II

Dear CubeIDE team,

I just started using CubeIDE.

Following are my question.

1. How can I find string text in .h file?

    I tried to "ADC_OVR_DATA_OVERWRITTEN" string in Drivers\..\inc using "Ctrl+H" but I failed.

    This is very uncomfortable to use. Now I am using ither search software due to this symptom.

    (As I remember, this was very old issue. I hope you will guide me to solve this.)

2. CubeIDE 1.13.0 memory usage is too big.

   I think CubeIDE is using too much memory(more than 1.1GB) compared with IAR-IDE(about 450MB at 9.xx).

  My labtop has 8GB ram. this is not that big ,but not that small. But when I opened CubeIDE, I can not open the other software due to lack of memory.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best Regards,


Chief II

ad 1 .  why not use "find.." from menu ? 


or find in files to search on project..files ? right click -> Search text..




ad 2. 

this is more a windows problem : use 1GB of 8GB shoud be nothing problematic. except for Win...

see: i run Linux (MX18 , 5y old) , on 8GB , AMD quadcore 3GHz; 

the ide (java ...) use up 1,5GB here, the browser (49 windows open) about 2GB -> still > 3GB free. zero problem!


and mem use:



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