2022-10-17 12:02 PM
I am using an NUCLEO-F072RB Board with an STUSB1602 Type-C Controller Expansion Board.
I have the following 2 issues after I flashed it with the Project "STM32F072_MB1303_DRP_2PORTS" from the STSW-STUSB010 Library:
1. If there is no USB-C Cable connected to either Port, the Blue LEDs D100 and D103 blink three times a intended. The issues appear when I connect a Source or Sink.
The Orange LEDs D105 and D102, which are supposed to show me the orientantion of the cable, keep blinking two times even if I change the orientation. Instead it seems that the Blue LEDs change their blinking pattern depending on the cables orientation.
So I thought that both LEDs are switched but the Orange LEDs never change their blinking pattern.
2. When I try to access the Port status with the CLI (PuTTY) it shows me the following output everytime I Press the B2 Button:
I use the following Settings:
Baudrate: 115200
Data bit: 8
Parity: none
Stop bit: 1
Hardware Flow Control: None
I got the library and code from the official Website
As stated in the Readme I importet the Project "STM32F072_MB1303_DRP_2PORTS" into the STM32CubeIDE.
I am using the Version 1.10.1 of the STM32CubeIDE.
Best Regards and Thank you in advance.
2022-10-19 10:49 AM
I just reproduced what you described: i'll check and come back.
About CLI, there no 'CLI out' like demo code embedded into fresh board, that's why you cannot get trace.
You can use https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stm32cubemonucpd.html#get-software to get message traces.
Best regards
2022-11-24 12:35 AM
Hi, I run in the same error like SKaiba. I flash the provided image files from the webside. I have STM32F072 -> MB1136 C-04 and STUSB1602 -> MB1303 B-04.