2024-06-09 4:56 AM
I have used 2-3 versions of STM32Cubeide and 1 thing that is driving me crazy right now is the project explorer is never consistent, sometimes it's visible sometimes it isn't, sometimes the projects disappear completely, sometimes project explorer is on the left sometimes it's on the right...
can someone create a "LOCK PROJECT EXPLORER VIEW" it would make my life 100% less stressful when creating an embedded project.
2024-06-09 5:48 AM
i never seen this crazy behavior, so maybe you set something wrong (or not..).
There are 3 view settings: c/edit , debug , CubeMX ; for each you can set the windows and the size you want.
And on next start (after correct close !) it will read its settings and do it , as you set it. (or crash...i had this also. :) )
2024-06-09 10:10 AM
Windows or Linux? For me it is quite stable, like as for @AScha.3 but on some Linux variants mouse and keyboard are really crazy, this can lead to the issues that you suffer from.